I love this picture of the boys at Easter.
The boys are home for the week and we are ready for fun. Do today we hit the library. The one you have to be quiet in. Jackson informed me of that as we were walking in!
We also made a trip to the scrapbooking store... the boys were so good! They sat at a crop table while I shopped!! No much there but I did pick up some of the Prima Dude papers!! I LOVE them!!!!!
Then it was to Target to battle all of the people looking for Easter clearance. We did manage to get 2 very small lego kits for the boys. The never seem to have enough lego men!
Exciting stuff I know!!
Just wait.. tomorrow it is "Clean the House Day" I will have all kinds of wonderfu activities planned for the boys! LOL
Monday, March 24, 2008
Whoo hooo!!!
Posted by Kristy at 4:39 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Tough Choices....
Today is a big deal for me! I have stepped down from the Design Team at KT Crafts. It was so hard to do! I love it there and I have worked hard! A lot of time and energy has gone into all I have done there! I am convinced most people do not realize what goes on behind the scenes and how much work is involved. I have loved every minute of it!
It is not that I feel it can not go on without me! If anything I feel it can get better and better without me. I will still be there and I will still help with things so I am not giving it up all together. It does not make it any easier.
Maybe now I will have more time to scrap instead of just talking about it all the time!
Posted by Kristy at 10:04 AM 5 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Notice the medal around his neck! Yep.. that is my boy!! he placed third in sparring for his heat. He was in his first Tae Kwon Do Tournement this weekend!
He did not fare as well in his form. He says he is used to looking at the mirrors and in the gym there were no mirrors so he kinda lost his place and forgot his moves.
Honestly out of the two events I thought sparring would have been his weakest, but on Saturday that did not prove to be the case! We are so proud of him!!
The weekend was a rough one for me on many fronts. But this week is off to a good start!
The crop at KT went wonderfully and everyone seemed to have fun!
Sunday I got out of the house and spent some time with the kids at the park! That is always fun!
Next week is spring break for the kids! I am looking for some fun things to do...
So what was something fun you remember doing on your school breaks OR what is something fun you have done with your kids on break! If I use your idea you will get a RAK!!!
Posted by Kristy at 2:14 PM 8 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Isn't the internet wonderful....
Well, except for all those contest I win as long as I pay the fees, the pass it ons that tell me I will surely have bad luck if I do not send it to 5000 people really quickly. the hackers who do not have anything better to do with their time than to mess people up and the spammers that are really wanting to share how I can get perscription drugs cheap and improve my sex life. After all of that I happen to love the Internet!
I have met some of the coolest people from all over the world. My latest find. A young man named Chris. He is helping me with some message board issues and he lives in the UK. How cool is that?!? Here I am in my little town and there he is in his town and he can help me!! Oh and He is 16 which I think is totally cool. I guess that comes from being a mom of boys! LOL.. and boy.. I just read that sentence again... and totally cool...what is wrong with me. You can tell it is early!!!
Anyway.. I was thinking last night as I was chatting with a friend in the UK, this guy in the UK and also another friend in MD.. that this whole Internet is pretty cool!!!
I am thinking I better get some rest! I must have been chatting to much on the internet lately!
Posted by Kristy at 3:00 AM 3 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The last two weeks have been so busy. I do not know if it is just that Spring is around the corner or if it is just my life!! I came to the conclusion a while back that something has gotta give. So now to determine exactly what and how much... well... that is the hard part. So we are working on that!
This weekend will be a busy one, but a fun one.
Starting tomorrow we will be having a crop at KT CRAFTS and to my friends there I promise not to touch the message board any more between now and then!!!
The crop will go through Sunday but what is even better is that you have a whole week to get your projects done!!! How cool is that?
My parents are coming to visit tomorrow which means i will not be around like normal for the crop, but I will still be around!!! Joshua has his first Tae Kwon Do Tourney on Saturday and that is sure to be exciting!
So what are your plans this weekend???
Posted by Kristy at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
You know what makes me happy???
Today I went to pick Jackson up from school and he was waiting on the sidewalk with his teacher holding his hand. When he saw the van he smiled really big and waved!!!
I think I am the only mom that the first thing he says to me is... "I've been really good mom!" Everyone just laughs, but those are the sweetest little words!! I am enjoying the time I have by myself with him. I am going to feel so lost come fall when he is in school all day with Joshua!
This house will be so quiet!!!
So tell me...
What everyday things makes you happy??
Posted by Kristy at 1:15 PM 8 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
whoo hooo
I have music. Crusing some of my friends blogs out there I knew I wanted music!!! So thanks Marti I kinda used your blog as my exmple for finding the music player I wanted!!! Now, I just want to keep my blog on all the time so I can hear the music...
And as of yesterday we officially have the papers signed to partners with Mike Minter in the magazine. WOW.. what a year it has been. Last year at this time we had no clue what the year would bring. I has had it rough points... ups and downs, but they were just the typically things that happen with change. Where we are today is just amazing. I am seeing Jason grow so much as a business man and learning so much. It is very exciting!!! Coming soon we will have a new adventure to talk about!!! I can not wiat to tell everyone!
Posted by Kristy at 7:13 AM 3 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
I have had some fun just playing with my supplies lately. For some reason I just have not felt very creative. I have just kind thrown some things together and if it looked good I went with it. The last couple of weeks I have really tried hard to pay attention to the small details of things. I am never going to be someone who uses tons of embelishments... that is ok.. But I am trying to take the time to make the embelishements I do use count. I am having fun with that.
Other than that there is really nothing noteworthy going on in my life! We are busy with work and that is a good thing. We are busy with family and I like that as well. The weather is starting to really get nice so maybe soon we will head out to the park for a fun spring like photo shoot with the kidos!
Posted by Kristy at 10:36 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Changing again...
I found this template and I really love it!! It is girly enough but not too much pink!
We have been quite busy lately. Changing seasons ia always a difficult time at our house. We all tend to get sick and just generally feel bad. I have had something for the past couple of weeks and I can not completely shake it. It does not always keep me down, and I feel well enough to get out and do things. Might be time for a trip t the Dr.
I am waiting for my Big Bite to arrive! I can not wait! I use my crop a dile often and just about everytime I use it I am wishing it had a further reach on it. So I am very excited!!!
I also just found out this month that I will be going on a retreat in July! I am so excited!! I met up with several of the ladies from SBO last May and enjoyed it so much. This will be my third year scrapping with Marti and Patty. We will have a blast!
Lastly.. My DS just got his first progress report after going back into the regular classroom!!! All B's and C's! Evne with the C's it was obvious that he can do the work he is being assigned! I am so proud of him!!!
Till Later!!!
Posted by Kristy at 7:47 AM 2 comments